Fast and accountable: how the global health and governance communities reflect on pandemic preparedness and response
(from the Transparency and Accountability Initiative blog. You can read the full post here)
As we move to a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading experts, practitioners and funders are reflecting on governance lessons for future pandemics. Last week, during the Transparency and Accountability Initiative’s (TAI) launch of its new report on Strengthening Pandemic Governance, we had the unique opportunity to hear from leaders from governments, civil society, global institutions, and funders about their lessons and experiences with pandemic governance. Recommendations such as the importance of building on existing institutional structures, of reliable data and combating misinformation, leveraging procurement transparency and investing in civil society roles all emerged from this discussion. Above all, there is value in shared learning and action across the health and transparency, participation and accountability communities. You can see the entire session here, and in this post, we share some insights and reflections shared during the event.
Read the full blog post here.